If that word makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Many young girls feel embarrassed or ashamed to talk about vaginal health. The taboos around vaginas and periods have left girls with lots of unanswered questions, and believing in some unreal myths. As a leading fem care brand, U by Kotex challenged our cross-agency team to help them tackle this important issue.
Brand Truth
U by Kotex believes in changing the conversation surrounding women’s health with open, honest dialog.
U by Kotex believes in changing the conversation surrounding women’s health with open, honest dialog.
Cultural Insight
Fear and discomfort about vaginas, especially among young girls, has created a culture of misconceptions, embarrassment and half-truths. But knowledge is power, and empowerment is confidence.
Fear and discomfort about vaginas, especially among young girls, has created a culture of misconceptions, embarrassment and half-truths. But knowledge is power, and empowerment is confidence.
Desired Experience
Join a movement of girls empowered, informed and confident about their vaginas.
Join a movement of girls empowered, informed and confident about their vaginas.
Generation Know is the first generation of girls with a real understanding of vaginal wellness. Girls comfortable with asking questions, gaining real knowledge and spreading that knowledge like wildfire. With this platform, U by Kotex arms hundreds of thousands of girls with the tools to break the silence, bust the myths, change the message and spread the word. This effort also led to an 18% increase in sales, proving that authentic brands with a clear mission can also win in the shopping aisles.